Monday, March 2, 2009

North Carolinian sues RIAA, major labels

North Carolinian Shahanda Moursy has filed suit against three major labels (Vivendi Universal, Warner Music and Sony BMG ), plus the RIAA, Safenet and MediaSentry, alleging the cooperative measures taken by these groups is an unlawful invasion of privacy and an abuse of the judicial court system.

Moursy's attorney, Ray Beckerman writes, in his submission to the court,
"For a number of years, a group of large, multinational, multi-billion dollar
record companies, including these Record Company Counterclaim Defendants, have
been abusing the federal court judicial system for the purpose of waging a
public relations and public threat campaign targeting digital file sharing
activities. As part of this campaign, these Record Company Counterclaim
Defendants hired an unlicensed private investigator, MediaSentry, – in violation
of North Carolina and other applicable law – which receives a bounty to invade
private computers and private computer networks to obtain information – in the
form of Internet Protocol (’IP’) addresses – allowing them to identify the
computers and computer networks that they invaded."

He goes on to assert that MediaSentry carried out these allegedly unlawful investigations in "North Carolina and other states." Beckerman's full submission is available in PDF format here.

P2PNet report.