Friday, January 30, 2009
Benji Hughes sings on the televesion
Benji Hughes, the Charlotte-based crooner who released his double-album debut last year andgraced the cover of Shuffle #3, will make his television debut with a performance tonight on Jimmy Kimmel Live on the ABC network.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Birds of Avalon finishing new record
Birds of Avalon are getting ready to issue their follow-up to the Outer Upper Inner EP, produced by Mitch Easter and mastered by Greg Calbi. You can read all about BoA's recording process at their blog.
Birds of Avalon,
Greg Calbi,
Mitch Easter,
New Hammer No More The Fingers video: "Nitro"
Hammer No More the Fingers: Nitro from Matt Williams on Vimeo.
Durham trio Hammer No More The Fingers is readying its first long-playing platter, Looking For Bruce, for an April release on Churchkey Records. They've been bringing the new songs to area stages for a while now, and the Greensboro-based Dot Matrix Project captured "Nitro" at a November show at the Gate City venue, The Green Burro.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Attn: Greenville, NC
This is floating around Myspace. Help your scene, Greenville!
To Greenville :
(and all who have been through to see a show or perfo rmed in this town and loved the vibe)
The live musicand art commu nity here is at an impor tant junct ion. Over the past few month s this town has seen the under groun d space s that have made Green ville so speci al drop like flies . The Spazz atori um Galle ria! close d. The Turdu cken House ( 11th St.) retir ed. Spide r Skull close d. Legit space s that opene d their doors to keep a music commu nity exist ent disap peare d ( R. I.P. 21: 11 Beer & Wine) . The only club willi ng to work with us, The Corne r, close d.
A legitvenue at the forme r home of Socio logy/ Spide r Skull is our goal. We are doing every thing in our colle ctive power to make this happe n and to bring about a new incar natio n of The Spazz atori um. Our limit s have been reach ed as to what we can do on our own. It is now we ask the folks out there who want this to becom e a reali ty to step up and put their effor ts forth . If every one gives a littl e we can make this happe n. Peopl e behin d the scene s have been fight ing tooth and nail, scrap ing away what time and money they have to do this. We have reach ed our wall. Every one readi ng this who has ever been to a show or event shoul d be able to see how impor tant this endea vor is. A place to host and allow creat ivity to flour ish is vital for this town. We have peopl e willi ng to be there when this happe ns. Willi ng to give their time and effor ts to keep this dream going . We just have to get there .
We’reaskin g every one to pitch in whate ver they can to help. Below is a secur e link to contr ibute to our effor ts via Paypa l. Even if you don’t have a paypa l accou nt most credi t cards will work.
https: .paypa//www cgi- bin/ websc r? cmd= _ s- xclic k& hoste d_ butto n_ id= 24841 14
If you have paypal all donat ions can be proce ssed to movie j2k AT gmail DOT com
A detailed list of where the money is going will be made avail able.
From Feb through April I will be in the Phila delph ia area takin g an oppor tunit y to run The Dange r Dange r Galle ry while the peopl e who regul arly run this amazi ng space go on tour with their bands. My depar ture comes at a time where trans ition is occur ring. Do- it- yours elf menta lity has run me ragge d and it’s clear to me that Green ville needs a broad er spect rum of influ ence and allow ance. The only way we can do this is toget her.
As we speakthere are folks learn ing the ropes to be their own “book er” and if you have an incli natio n that this might be somet hing you’d like to try get in touch , becau se we need ya! The compl acenc y and relia nce on one perso n to do every thing was never an inten tion so I’m stepp ing back some to allow more diver sity.
Unitythrou gh diver sity! ?!
The entire month of Feb will be a benef it month for the Spazz 2.0. All shows that take place will have local / semi- local bands perfo